Real-time preview window displays your real estate listing flyer and it automatically updates to reflect your design choices.
Advanced Zoom controls allow you to view your real estate marketing flyer in various sizes (page width, page height, 1-to-1) and also use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out (up to 200%).
With Easy Realty Flyers, you don't need to be an expert in desktop publishing. There's no need to spend time resizing and nudging photos into the correct position or choosing which typeface and size to use for the headline, details, features, and listing description.
Easy Realty Flyers is form-based, so you simply provide your profile information (photo, logo, and contact details) and listing details (photos, description, MLS#, address, and key features).
Easy Realty Flyers combines the listing details with your contact information, and any flyer template your choose to create the perfect, business crisp real estate flyer.
You can scale (up to 500%) and save your real estate flyers so they can be printed at your favorite office supply or print & copy store.
You can easily export and save your real estate flyer to several popular formats such as:
Pick from 33 free business crisp real estate flyer templates (each supporting 1, 3 or 4 listing photos), choose 1 of 84 vibrant colors from the color palette, and select any TrueType or OpenType typeface from your PC and you're done.
Easy Realty Flyers combines your contact information, listing details and a flyer theme template to create the perfect real estate flyer every time. And most important of all, it handles all layout and photo positioning for you!
Your Contact Information, Photo & Business Logo
Your Listing Details, Description, Features & Photos
Your Listing Flyer!