fotoXplorer for Windows (Development Update)
Thursday, July 11th, 2019 @8:19PM, News
A quick status update!
A few weeks ago Comcast initiated a system upgrade which took down the internet connection, TV and phone service for over 7 hours. It was at that time I had planned to research social media marketing (Twitter Promoted Tweets) and internet.
So I decided to try something with fotoXplorer based on things I have read lately. There seemed to be a push towards building software with dual themes (Light & Dark). I figured it would be easy enough because I use the registry to store colors (for specific controls) and have a global structure that defines application colors.
After a few minutes of coding, I had a dark themed version of fotoXplorer. However, this didn't include many controls (owner-drawn and those not covered by the OnCtlColor() message). The hard part, as it turns out, are scrollbars! I spent a good week and a half just creating a custom, owner -drawn scrollbar (vertical) and then more time integrating it into the various controls (Tree Control, ListBox, ComboBox, Edit Control, and finally, the ListCtrl). Each introduced a new problem which required additional time to solve.
Solved it I have! So now I have created owner-drawn versions of nearly all controls (as mentioned above plus SpinButtonCtrl, Tab Control and many more). I've been working on upgrading all dialog boxes using the new themed-dialog-box design and wanted to share a few screencaps!
Also, an important feature I added to my custom scrollbar is the Scroll-to-Top Button and Scroll-to-Bottom Button! It's a feature I haven't seen on any other OS, but it comes in handy. Imagine if FireFox had it. Web developers wouldn't need to add that floating "back-to-top" div. Anyways, you can see the top-arrow-with-a-line and bottom-arrow-with-a-line on the Main Window screen caps below.
In closing...development is coming along. I know I'm a good year or so behind in releasing it...but since I code products I use (except for Easy Realty Flyers - I'm not a Realtor), I wanted to create something that is special and really, really fast too (multi-threaded speed | Direct2D Hardware Accelerated Rendering)!
fotoXplorer - Main Window - Light Theme

fotoXplorer - Photo Album Properties - Light Theme

fotoXplorer - Main Window - Dark Theme

fotoXplorer - Photo Album Properties - Dark Theme